GB/T 33877-2017 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 33877-2017, GB/T33877-2017, GBT33877-2017): Non-Destructive Testing - Test Method for Comparing the Brightness of Fluorescent Penetrants [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This Standard specifies the test method for comparing the brightness of fluorescent penetrants for penetrant test. This Standard is applicable to the brightness inspection when the fluorescent penetrant leaves the factor, and brightness calibration when using. |
Foreword | 3 |
Scope | 4 |
Apparatus | 5 |
Specimen Preparation | 6 |
Calculation | 7 |
Appendix A Informative Calibration Method of Fluorescent Luminance Meter | 8 |